05.08.2021 Решения

5 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Wavekey

We’ve put together the questions asked by you or your customers. Don’t be caught off guard by a query you don’t know the answer to in future.

How many modes does this technology have?

4 modes – Touch, Tap in app, Motion and Card. Take a look at the following news article where you will find everything you need to know about the 4  WaveKey access modes.Женщина, дверь, контроль доступа

How much do individual modes cost?

All 4 modes are free of charge. All you need is a reader that supports Bluetooth (separate or as part of an intercom) and the 2N® Mobile Key application (also free of charge). The only exception is Motion mode, which uses the motion detection function that is part of the Enhanced Video licence (9137906). So, if you want to use Motion mode, the intercom will have to have an Enhanced Video licence or Gold licence.

More than one mode?

It’s up to you alone which modes you allow – only one, two or all of them, if you like. And you can even set them up differently for each door. It all depends on the security requirements and convenience of access to each room.

How does pairing work?

Very simply. The user downloads the 2N® Mobile Key application and enters the pairing code at the Bluetooth reader when the application is first launched. That’s it. The device is automatically paired with all readers in the installation.

Where do you get the paring code? Generate it in the web interface for the IP intercom or access reader. Copy it and send it to the user by e-mail, for example. The pairing process in 2N® Access Commander software is even more user-friendly. With a single click on a special button, you send the pairing code to the user by e-mail.

What’s the difference between 2N® Mobile Key and WaveKey?

2N® Mobile Key is an application that users install in their smartphones. The application has to run in the background on the phone and then it de facto works like a key. WaveKey is the marketing name of our patented mobile access technology, which ensures communication between the application and the 2N reader. It’s more convenient, faster, and more secure than any other technology on the market. Try it and see for yourself.

Do you have more questions?

Write to our sales staff and ask about WaveKey.

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