Access readers are just one of the elements that make up a 2N solution. Install premium video intercoms at main entrances, and high-security devices at garages or parking lots. Provide residents with stylish answering units in their flats, and man the front desk or reception with one too! Then, top it all off with premium My2N cloud services – for seamless configuration and management.
We recommend mobile access. Why? We believe this is the future of door access control system. The entire world is shifting away from RFID door entry systems, keys, and door fobs and transitioning to mobile (mobile phone access control). You already use your phone to pay in shops, manage money, and order groceries – the credit card in your wallet is becoming obsolete – and soon, keys will be too!
However, we understand that not every project can have solely mobile access implemented. That’s why we also have units that can read RFID chips, biometric access control (fingerprints), as well as units for entering a PIN code, to allow you to create a complete and varied door access control system.
Everyone has different demands – perhaps you have users in your project who want to use multiple technologies, who really want thumbprint door access, or who need extra secure two-factor authentication. That’s OK, too - we also offer units that combine multiple technologies in a single device.
It depends on what you need at the door. Need audio/video communication? Then opt for an intercom to create a door entry video system. Our customers install intercoms at the entrances to smart buildings, on individual floors, at the door to flats, and to larger units in office buildings. Access control technology is included in some of our intercoms, so you don’t need a separate intercom and reader at any one door.
Need to secure a door against unauthorised access? Then all you need here is an access reader. Our access readers are unique in that they have the door access controller as part of the reader!
You would typically install a unit like this at the entrance to meeting rooms, server rooms, or communal areas in apartment buildings. In a typical scenario, you have both types of doors, so you’ll need both intercoms and access readers. The advantage of our system is that you can administer everything in a single interface.
There are several reasons mobile access control system makes the best entryphone door system. Our WaveKey technology is:
- Just as reliable as an RFID chip (without the need to distribute, reassign, or cancel access cards).
- Extremely fast – in most cases, it takes only 0.3 seconds from the moment you touch the reader to open the door
- Extremely safe in terms of storing highly sensitive data such as fingerprints.
- Totally convenient - the user can leave their phone in their pocket and still get in.
- More secure than an RFID door entry system. Unlike RFID, it is virtually impossible to overhear and misuse mobile access credentials.
Well, it’s not so different to leaving an RFID card or your keys at home – and in fact, is even less likely. These days, who leaves their house without their phone? Most people would notice their phone was missing before they noticed they had no access card, so we don’t think this is too much of a concern.