99.98% reliability
Our statistics speak for themselves. Cloud calling via My2N is unquestionably the most reliable service on the market.
Set up a call in just a few minutes
Cloud setup for simple residential installations is up to 90% faster compared to traditional product-based configuration.
No extra hidden HW
We don’t over-complicate our solution with GSM gateways. You won’t even need to buy an answering unit for the intercom to enable phone calls.
More than just a phone call
The My2N App can do more than just contact the resident. It can also provide video surveillance, open doors and much more.
Prepare for installation ahead of time
Set up calls between products while you’re still in the office – without even switching the products on! As soon as the technician has installed the equipment, everything will work instantly.
Generate long-term income
Premium calls to smartphones are a paid service. This service has money-making potential in the distribution chain as well.


Always ask your supplier about call encryption, hosting servers and international standards for security and personal data processing.
About security

Functionality in a typical installation

Take a look at a simplified diagram of the cloud calling solution with My2N

2N typical installation

Cloud calls even in retrofitted installations

Not limited to modern developments, cloud calling is also an ideal way to incorporate an IP door communication solution into an old building.
I have a retrofit project